Living Virtuous is Here!

When the truck rolled in with the 10,000 books all wrapped up in boxes on pallets, I thought, wow, this is a mountain of love.  I pray over each book there that they would be a blessing to each person who reads them.  I gave my first book away to Debi Pearl.  She was so excited.  We were like two little girls in a candy shop, all giddy.

About 10 years ago, I read Debi’s book, Created To Be His Helpmeet.  When I read it, I felt like I really failed my calling.  I had been married for about 6 years at that time and my marriage and my life was in shambles, literally.  I read her book and with each passing page, more tears poured fourth.  I wanted a glorious marriage.  One that Debi wrote about. 

I talk with women that have found Debi’s book to be too high a standard to live by.  Women that just feel hopeless, who feel they will never measure up to Debi.  I am living proof that I could read a book like hers, apply the wisdom to my life, and with much willingness to be used of God, have a glorious marriage and a joyful life to show for it.  It is possible.  With Christ all things are possible.

I may not have made all the right choices like Debi did from the start, but I did not give up when I new I was a mess.  My book is a collection of stories that reflect the struggles I had and how I overcame through Christ.  It is book of HOPE to those who are hopeless.  It is a book that tells you how to get out of the slump, how to get a vision for life, and how to keep yourself from slipping into despair.  It is a book to show you how to get started in your journey with fun practical skills in homemaking that have been passed down from generation to generation.  Skills that have been thrown by the wayside in our modern culture.

I was not a perfect wife or mother to start with and I am still not perfect, for that matter, but by the grace of God I have such an incorruptible joy and purpose for life.  Through my book, it is my earnest prayer, that other precious women and girls out there can know the same purpose and joy I have experienced.

I wanted to send out a special thank you to all of you out there that have been praying for me while I have been writing and publishing Living Virtuously.  There were times I felt discouraged and times I knew the devil was trying to get me to quit.  Behind the scenes there was a lot of drama and a lot of persecution.  It has not been easy, especially when you know you are doing something that is meant to help heal marriages, help increase people’s joy and faith.  The devil does not want people to be healed or to have faith in God.  His goal is to steal, kill, and destroy souls, marriages, and families.  I never gave up because I knew I had to do this to help people.  No matter what the cost.  It is time to take back what the devil means for destruction and find true peace and joy in your lives.

We do not get anywhere when we take no action.  If I would have been offended by Debi’s book, just let her book fall on deaf ears and feel that it was unattainable, I would not have a happy life today.  It takes initiative in order to get your marriage or life where it needs to be.  Because I had to struggle so much, since my life was such a mess, I feel that I can help others also gain victory in their lives.  I pray that my book will be a blessing to others.  Today is the last day to enter the contest to win a copy of LIVING VIRTUOUSLY: A Wife’s Guide to Keeping Her Heart & Home.

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16 thoughts on “Living Virtuous is Here!”

  1. Our youngest daughter, 16, bought the ‘Created’ & ‘LV’ combo when they were on sale with her own money! She knows I’ve already got ‘Created’ so if she can’t find Erin’s ‘LV’ one day, I’m probably the one who stole it!

  2. This book sounds so amazing! I would like to read it for myself and share it with my daughters. I long to be the woman, wife, mom, friend, daughter God has designed me to be! Much help is gleaned from this blog, and I am certain the book will be a great help, as well! Blessings as you continue to share your heart!

  3. I won this book from Erin’s giveaway, read it right away and it is great! I want to give a copy to all the ladies I can, so I am hoping to win Katrina’s giveaway as well! 🙂

  4. Thank you for your commitment to your sisters in writing this book. I have heard good things about it. I would like to know how you applied Debi’s book, as I am having quite a struggle with it. I would also like my daughters to read it to help prepare them for marriage.

  5. I have all of your dvd’s and am a member of Homestead Community Post! I just love your family! I would love to win this book for my 17 year old daughter (I’ll borrow it from her, too)!

  6. Thank you so much for the time you gave to this project. May God bless you abundantly over and over for your service to His daughters in this matter.

  7. There is always more for me to learn as a wife, mother and homemaker. I would love to WIN this book, Erin! You are a talented homemaker and that only has come through your life’s experineces!

  8. as a new mother and new to homesteading i enjoy encouraging reads and this book looks like its going to do just that! this would be the perfect sit on my porch w a cup of hot tea watching the winter birds read.

  9. I just wanted to say, that I love your blog, and the forum and feel like we have a lot in common. I would love to read your book. I would love to order your book, but we do not have credit cards, is there another way to order it? I use Paypal often. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  10. Really looking forward to reading your book! I have enjoyed your blog and am looking forward to seeing what all gems are packed in your book. 🙂 Thanks for following God’s leading and doing the work it took to get you to this point. Hope that the blessings come in abundance!!

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