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Kathryn’s Adoption Story
So many people have asked me what the story is about Kathryn. Her story starts with Alex. It is because of Alex that I met Kathryn. One of Alex’s night nurses who would stay all night to care for him while he was very medically fragile, meaning, he had monitors constantly measuring each breath he
NEW expanded Living Virtuously Book Published
It is LIVE! Living Virtuously is ready on AmazonIf you’re looking for encouragement in traditional womanhood, homemaking, mothering, marriage, and also to help with depression, anxiety, or bad attitudes and behaviors, this book is for you! Embrace your high calling as a wife and mother, or as a daughter of God!Living Virtuously does not mean
Revising Living Virtuously Book
It’s been about 10 years since I began writing living Virtuously book. I learned so much more since then so I decided to open the files and rework this book. I have raised 5 children into adulthood which gives me even more wisdom and perspective than I had 10 years ago. Also adopting 2 special
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Being Productive with Toddlers
From my last post on Being Productive, I simply laid out what my life looks like right now. For some younger mothers who have many little ones, their situation seems more difficult to schedule. No, not really. I always had a system. I had 5 little ones under 5 years old. I remember when I

Being Productive and Proactive
Being productive with your timeIf a person sleeps 10 hours, they are awake for a total of 14 hours. I typically sleep 7 hours so I have 17 hours of time each day. What do you do with your time? If you feel overwhelmed with all that you have to do in a day, it

5 Ways to Start Homesteading Today
Are you still dreaming about becoming a homesteader some day? Some day when you finally convince your husband to sell the suburban home and move out to the country. A day you can finally afford that pretty piece of God’s country where you can plant your roots and start growing. You go online and

7 Days of Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning Every home needs a good, solid cleaning once or twice every year. After the long, cold winter, you are ready to open up the windows to allow the light to shine in and the breeze to blow gently across the floors. The light reveals the dirt that has built up over the long

Get this Hoarder in Order: Housekeeping Etiquette
Do Not Open My Closet… Are you always ready for visitors to pop in unannounced? The answer for most women these days, is NO. I know most ladies wait until about one hour before their husband comes home to tidy up the house. The rest of the day, the house is a pig pen. I

The Mom Bucks Miracle
Winter brings something we all dread…Cabin fever. The kids are full of pent up energy and have nowhere to run it all off. It’s cold, damp, and raining most days, so the kids just stay in. They bicker and quarrel, they sit around and do nothing and as a mom, I shake my head and