I finally have twins!!! Aren’t these babies so sweet! Each weighing nearly 6 lbs!

Truth be told, I always prayed for twins. God had a sense of humor on how he gives us the desires of our hearts!
The garden has yielded so much from the hand of God! Fall is in the air and the garden is closing down for the winter here on the homestead. Besides the Garden we have had a bountiful harvest of many personal blessings!
Keep reading to see what we have been up to these past couple years!!!

We had a bumper crop of tomatoes and I was able to put up many jars of salsa, marinara sauce, and tomato juice. All will be a blessing this winter as we hear about impending food shortages across the globe.

Homestead life is going to be a lifestyle for many people. The skills of yesterday will one day again be taught by the few of us remaining who took time to learn. I am now teaching my special needs daughter, Kathryn how to help with the canning! She is a very happy helper, indeed!

I am excited to announce that after years of having my hands full with two weddings, two grandchildren born, and the adoption of our two special needs children, I am finally going to start finishing my second book to the Memior and pick up the blog again. This time it will be with my daughters who are blessed mothers and keepers of their homesteads!!!!

All the while our beautiful adopted son, Alex was having many surgeries to help him. He was basically a vegetable when we got him. He could not walk or eat on his own. He spent most of his life in a hospital bed surrounded by medical equipment and professionals to care for his very deep seated medical needs.

Since then he had his trach removed, airway reconstructed, and learned how to eat on his own. he is running around and dancing with joy! And went from 20 different medications to only a thyroid pill.

It’s been a long and difficult journey for us and it took absolutely all my attention to fight the doctors and therapists to help them see where he could get bc they accepted that he would never progress! Can you imagine?!?! He is brilliant and lives a very exciting happy life! And we also found his biological family and have reunited them since Alex was a twin! Twins!!!

All the while we also adopted another daughter! Her name is Kathryn! She has Down syndrome but very high functioning! She had a rough start as a drug baby but one of Alex’s night time nurses was her foster mom but didn’t want to adopt her so we were blessed with the miracle of another adoption. Because of all their delays they sort of feel like having a set of twins!!!

And in the meanwhile, we also put on another wedding, for my daughter Molly who miraculously met a young man from Japan named Riku Higurashi! They married April 4, 2021

And to top it all off, both of my daughters became mothers themselves! I could not be happier to have two grandchildren now! Megan gave birth to a daughter, Isla Rose Barrett in November 2021, she’s now 10 months old!!! Megan made the bonnet and dress for her baby from an old woman sized dress. Megan will be writing on this blog all about her homemaking and mothering. It will be such an incredible encouragement to younger mothers!

And Molly gave birth to a son, Hiro Atlas Higurashi in January of 2022. he is now 9 months old!

Molly is the expert baker in the family. She loves making artisan breads and sourdoughs, lots of yummy desserts and meals. She will be adding her beautiful ideas also to this blog!!!

It’s definitely an exciting new chapter!!! I knew you would all be happy to see us come back one day with more beautiful encouragement! now as the Keepers of the Homestead…the next generation of our homestead!

I am so thankful they are so happy in their marriages and as mothers! It’s so amazing to have witnessed them being born, holding them so close as I nursed them and stilled their cries, holding their hands while they learned to walk to watching them each walking down the isle with their daddy to the man of their dreams, seeing them giving birth, and now watching them hold their babies close, stilling their cries and comforting them. It’s the cycle of life as God created.

Mothers teaching daughters and then the daughters becoming mothers and then teaching their daughters. God created us to nurture to be mothers and also friends. When you give birth to a daughter you don’t always realize the potential of a lifetime friend. Family is Gods beautiful plan. In a society where the gender lines and roles blur into a generation of miserable, ungrateful, self absorbed people, it is glorious to see such fulfillment and gratitude in the daughters God gave to my care.
Have a blessed day!

3 thoughts on “Twins!!!! Harvest of Blessings!”
I hope each of you will write more soon! And I will definitely want to read your next book. The first one is an amazing story. Our God is a God of redemption. Just amazing. Blessings to all of you.
Aww thank you so much for your encouragement!!! I plan to sit down and write more this winter, it’s been a whirlwind lately, Kathryn just had surgery and of course the holidays are always busy. Winter is a good time to slow down and have time for creative things as a family! Bless you dear sister!
That’s so sweet! I can’t wait to read more. (Love your twin potatoes, they are soooooooo Sweet!! :0)