We Moved Again!

We are on a roll for moving once a year for the past 4 years.
Did you ever hear of musical chairs? How about musical Houses? Musical chairs is a game where the music plays and everyone walks around a bunch of chairs. When the music stops you all sit down in a different spot. Well, we play Musical Houses! We just recently moved back to the old homestead that we actually lived in 2 other times on Cane Creek. 
It was a sudden move. Our barn house was uninsurable and according to the insurance companies, not fit to live in. How were we to know unless we gave it our best shot? BUT we made the most of it. It was small and dark, creaky and cobbled together, but we used it to its full potential! I thought it was cute the way Mark fixed it up, but when the kids would go upstairs the whole barn would shake, LOL! We could not sell it to make a profit because it was not worth much, but the buyer is letting us take out the materials which is a big help and we are just renting this homestead now. 
We still get to keep our garden over there which is nice! It was a nice dream to have that place and to make it our own, but sometimes life takes turns and you have to make sure your family is in a safe place. I am very happy to be back to the old farm! It was the one from our first Homesteading for Beginners DVD! 
We have plenty of space. Each of the kids have their own room, there is plenty of room to have company again! And I have a music room for the kids to practice, and art studio room, and even a guest room!!! 
Oh and as far as the dream to have a camp…Well, there is a camp down the road that can be rented and I hope to host a homestead themed shindig this spring as soon as I can get things organized and people to help! 
God is always faithful and we are excited about this new chapter in our lives!

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7 thoughts on “We Moved Again!”

  1. I completely understand about moving. We have moved 6 times in 8years. Its not fun… But I know the Lord has it under control. Home is were the family is. I tell my husband I can make anywhere a home as long as I have my family. Erin you new/ old home is beautiful.

  2. Erin, you remind me of the Energizer Bunny!! You have so much energy and you “get it done”. A move every year is amazing. I hope this one is your last, you have to be exhausted. God is good….He is the Provider.
    Many blessings,

  3. What a lovely place! My home is U•L•G•Y, ugly. Not to disparage the poor house itself – I’m just that bad making things homey. One of my daughters wrote an essay once on how ugly it is. So sad! Ah, well! Happy for you, anyway! Blessings!

  4. you live a very blessed life. my spouse has had infidelity problems, which creates difficulty in building a proper home. I’ve had my ups and downs too. Definitely be thankful.

  5. My goodness you have been busy! Your barn home was adorable and your new-old place is beautiful. I’m so glad the Lord provided you with a wonderful place to move back to. I went through a span of about 10 years where I moved once a year so I know what musical houses are like! 🙂

  6. Moving is your secret for keeping your home tidy and organized. Out with the old and in with the new. You are a rolling stone, my friend. Enjoy your new “old” place. So glad to read that many parts are following you in this move or are close by for your enjoyment. Wishing you many happy memories. Looking forward to reading about your adventures.

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