Battle Hymn of the Republic

We had a wonderful day yesterday with other believers at our Homestead. Our palomino Appaloosa horse arrived yesterday and his is gorgeous. Someone was giving this horse to a good home for free. I would love to train him for buggy riding to also add to our animal husbandry dvd. I think it is needful to share that lost skill in case we run into hard times where you can’t afford gasoline. Then you can be more mobil and work the horse just as times of old.

We invited some homeschool families to our home and we had a picnic and pulled out some really nice patriotic hymns. We all sat with our children in our hay bunk and sang our hearts out. It was just so neat to learn the words to these hymns because our country was founded on the principles of God’s word. Now what has our country come to? A Godless, ungrateful, consumer type world. We just need a revival, God has to shake our country for people to start looking His way. Oh how I pray that our children will be a Godly heritage on this earth and that they will be the people for God to use in these hard times to bring in a harvest of souls.

You must read the lyrics to the Battle Hymn of the Republic!

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.


I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
“As ye deal with my condemners, so with you my grace shall
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel,
Since God is marching on.”


He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.


In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.


He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is wisdom to the mighty, He is succour to the brave,
So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave,
Our God is marching on.


Original appearance of “The Battle Hymn of the

Republic” in The Atlantic Monthly magazine,

1862. Image credit: Wikipedia.

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