Update for Molly (Faith of a Child)


Oh how thankful I am to have all of you in my life, praying in one accord for our daughter’s healing.  I believe that your prayers have done wonders for her already.  The past few days, I have had her laying down on the couch resting, while I was preparing all of these vegetarian, wholesome foods, and she has improved so much in her blood sugar control already!  The normal blood sugar range is between 80-150 for a diabetic.  Hers have been between 90-112 all day and night.  I have NEVER seen her this good before.  Even when she eats, she is not spiking like she normally does.  Normally, Molly is all over the spectrum.  In one day she jumps from 60, which is way too low, all the way to 400, which is way to high.  And everything in between.  She is never just on target.  We often get so frustrated because we have tried so hard to give her the right amount of insulin, the right kinds of foods, and her blood sugars still go crazy.  It is like a miracle and we continue to pray that this control will help to heal her kidneys as her body is resting.  Her kidney doctor just called and said she had changed her mind about giving us more time.  She said that the most recent kidney number was much higher than she thought and it made her reconsider.  The doctor wanted to put her on the medication and not allow us the time.  But because things have been so undeniably better and her blood sugars so consistently normal, that I begged her for at least another couple weeks to a month.  It is a risk, but she was willing to see what the test shows in another week or two.  Praise God.  I do believe that God will show her that miracles are possible.  Please continue to pray that this will be a testimony to the medical doctors that God can and still heals people.  

Thank you all for your hugs and prayers from a far.  I read every one of the messages to Molly and it really made her smile.  It means a lot to her to know that you are all believing with her for a miracle.  We place our complete trust in the ONE who made our beautiful daughter.  The only ONE who can RESTORE. 

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